Behind the Lines

Title:                  Behind the Lines

Author:                 W. E. B. Griffin

Griffin, W. E. B. (1995). Behind the Lines. New York: Jove Books

LCCN:    95032133

PS3557.R489137 C68 1990 bk. 7


Date Updated:  June 14, 2015

Griffin’s seventh novel in The Corps series (after Close Combat) continues the author’s breezy look at the Marine Corps during WWII. I have enjoyed all the Corps series, becoming a fan of Ken McCoy from the first book. This book’s story line concerns guerrilla warfare activities in the Philippines and the story of Wendell Fertig. Fertig is a historical character, and never received his due from McArthur.

Here, he uses guerrilla action behind the lines in the Philippines as foreground to tell the behind-the-lines tale of the power struggle among Marine General Fleming Pickering, General Douglas MacArthur and Bill Donovan of the fledgling OSS, all of whom are galvanized into action by a radio message from a self-proclaimed general named Wendell Fertig, who has established himself as a guerrilla leader against the Japanese.

Griffin seems to be stuck on a stereotype character in every novel. The stereotype is a wealthy man with an enormous set of skills. He sees things more clearly than almost everyone else. Whatever called on to do, he finds a way to do it. The plutocrat stereotype always drinks Famous Grouse and has a direct connection to the president. McCoy doesn’t fit this model, but Fleming Pickering certainly does. In this novel Pickering has become the central character. It bothers me not a little that in an action book it’s only the rich high-born conservative who saves the day.

Mc Coy is the consummate Marine, the ultimate real fighter, who can carry out the mission whatever the odds. So why isn’t McCoy getting promotions as quickly as the others? “Pluto” went from 1st Lieutenant to major in one page, while with all that Ken is doing he finally gets promoted to Captain. By the way, McCoy’s favorite food seems to be steak and eggs for breakfast.

In the Philippines Fertig is trying to maintain a guerilla operation, hindered by the denial by McArthur that there is any guerilla operation at all, much less a “Fertig.” As far as the Marines are concerned, they go in after having received a message from Fertig. Once the message is verified, a team of men with supplies will be sent in to evacuate any sick or wounded and evaluate Fertig as a potential leader. Complicating matters, however, is MacArthur’s public declaration that guerrilla activity on the Philippines is impossible, and therefore nonexistent, and Bill Donovan’s desire to get the operation under OSS control.

When one reads enough Griffin it is clear what his political views are. One cannot fault him for giving due credit to the bravery and skill of the Marines, and certainly McArthur was an egomaniac. Griffin credits covert operations, particularly run by the OSS, as central to victory in the Pacific. He may be right.

Focusing on a variety of characters involved in the proposed mission, Griffin tells this story with his usual attention to dialogue rather than description, relying frequently on his favored device of moving the plot along through copies of memos, radio messages and telegrams. The boy’s club aura of Griffin’s primarily male world, where everything, even death, seems clear, sunny, bright and uncomplicated, is in full force here; and that should please his fans just fine.


The Saboteurs

Title:                  The Saboteurs

Author:                 W. E. B. Griffin

Griffin, W. E. B. (2006) and William E. Butterworth, IV. The Saboteurs. New York: Jove Books

LCCN:    2006043222

PS3557.R489137 S23 2006


Date Updated:  June 18, 2015

The Saboteurs is a compelling story based on real tales from World War II and is dedicated to tthe memories of those who fought there, especially the Marines. W.E.B. Griffin and his son, William E. Butterworth IV, have collaborated on a fast-paced novel about the heroes of World War II, a return to the popular Men at War series. “Wild Bill” Donovan is the head of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and has the job of networking his agents to the best of their abilities. The action moves around the world, in chronological order of events, from Sicily, London, New Jersey, Texas, Oklahoma, New York and Algiers. Major Richard M. Canidy is the first agent Donovan has to reign in from overzealous proceedings in his recent past. Canidy went solo on a mission to Hungary and now must face the consequences for his rogue actions.

Timing is important in February 1943. German U-boats have sneaked into Atlantic waters, wrecking havoc close to American shores. Highly trained, Hitler’s SS units have been successful in landing agents in the United States to detonate bombs in areas of high civilian concentration. These enemy saboteurs will make their presence known and instill fear in the public. Canidy, his boyhood friend Eric Fulmar, and agent Stan Fine have been called in by Donovan to locate and eliminate the suspected saboteurs. Canidy’s summons, however, carries the undertone of rebuke for his Hungarian escapade. Canidy fully expects to be assigned a desk or, worse, to be fired. But Donovan has a different agenda for his rogue agent.

The authors profile real personalities of the times, alongside their fictional agents, to bring the reader directly into the story. The well-documented rivalry between FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and the OSS office is on display in The Saboteurs. Hoover soft-pedals the explosions on American soil to contain terror in the public. Hoover’s harassment of citizens with possible anti-government sympathies is played against the tactics of the OSS, a direct-action approach. An FBI agent suffers embarrassment by Fulmar’s superior physical ability in one comical scene.

Canidy’s assignment is to invade German-occupied Sicily and to evacuate a scientist, Dr. Rossi, whose life is in danger. The doctor’s colleagues have been infected and murdered with a deadly Yellow Fever virus. Before Rossi is deposed likewise, his brilliant mind can be used against the Germans; he has knowledge about developments in atomic fission.

Canidy finds himself aboard a vessel owned and navigated by mobsters from New Jersey, fishmongers who conceal illegal activity by legitimate business on the Atlantic loading docks. These Mafia personalities are well-developed characters and do elicit sympathy during the read. The mob’s heyday is colorfully drawn, with historical accuracies about well-known, incarcerated mobster leaders. Canidy is at their mercy in order to land successfully on Sicilian shores.


The Fighting Agents

Title:                  The Fighting Agents

Author:                 W. E. B. Griffin

LCCN:    99051764

PS3557.R489137 F54 2000


Date Updated:  June 19, 2015

The Fighting Agents takes place in The Philippines, 1943. As the ragged remnants of the American forces stand against the might of the Imperial Japanese Army, a determined cadre of OSS agents becomes their only contact with the outside world-and their only hope for survival.

General Douglas McArthur declared after the fall of the Philippines in 1943 that there were no guerrillas in the Philippines. However, Wendell Fertig, a U.S. Army officer who refused to leave, knew better. Fertig promoted himself to general and led a guerrilla force against the Japanese. This time, however, Griffin focuses his attention on the OSS, which, among other things, was tasked with resupplying Fertig and bestselling reinforcing his efforts to undermine the Japanese war machine. This fourth volume of the Men at War series features the American intelligence service during World War II. James Whittaker, a rakish, romantic army air corps captain, who happens to be a close family friend of OSS chief Wild Bill Donovan, is assigned to sneak into the Philippines by submarine and bring gold, arms, and war materiel to the renegade general.

Simultaneously, another OSS team tries to carry out a critical mission: getting a German atomic scientist out of Budapest and into allied hands before Hitler’s armies can perfect and unleash the weapon that could win the war for the Axis powers. And in Cairo, a quiet, unassuming pilot named Darmstadter is drafted by the OSS for another highly unlikely mission. Griffin spices up his realistically drawn scenes of military operations, weapons, and training with a somewhat improbable love story focusing on Whittaker and a female OSS operative, but one suspects it’s merely a ruse to draw in women readers. Still, the action ranges from Washington to California, Egypt to London, and all points in between, and Griffin’s knowledge of military hearts, minds, and missions has won him a devoted following. I have lost track of how many Griffin books I have read.

The Last Heroes

Title:                  The Last Heroes

Author:                 W. E. B. Griffin,

Griffin, W. E. B. (1985). The Last Heroes. New York: Jove Books

LCCN:    96039458

PS3557.R489137 L3 1997



  • Originally published under the pseudonym Alex Baldwin.

Date Updated:  June 19, 2015

In mid-1941, fun-loving Richard Canidy and straight-arrow Edwin Bitter are hotshot pilot instructors at the Navy’s air station in Pensacola. With minimal prompting, they soon volunteer to serve with the so-called Flying Tigers. Before heading off (on a slow boat) to China, however, these two well-connected friends find time to join the social whirl in Washington, where crafty FDR has detailed Wild Bill Donovan to create an Office of Strategic Services. Shortly after arriving in Southeast Asia, Dick becomes an ace, downing five Japanese planes in a single sortie. The very same day, he’s whisked away on orders from the White House. Meantime, the US (now at war against the Axis powers) plans to build an atomic bomb but lacks a secure source of uraninite. Which is where Dick comes in. His prep-school chum Eric Fulmar (the son of an American film actress and a German industrialist) is dodging the draft boards of both nations by hiding out in North Africa. Operating under cover from the US Embassy in Morocco, Dick is to enlist the aid of Fulmar in abducting a French mining engineer with badly needed information on a vital ore cache in the Belgian Congo. To make the mission more challenging, the amateur agents must carry out their assignment on a split-second schedule (to make an offshore rendezvous with a submarine) and get their man away without arousing the suspicions of either the Nazi or Vichy forces controlling the Maghreb coast.

Blood and Honor

Title:                  Blood and Honor

Author:                W. E. B. Griffin

Griffin, W. E. B. (1997). Blood and Honor. New York: G. Putnam and Sons

LCCN:    96019039

PS3557.R489137 B57 1996


Date Updated:  June 22, 2015

Set in the spy-infested capital of Argentina in 1943, Blood and Honor is a sequel to Honor Bound (1994) in the series, Honor Bound. He sticks with his usual recipe of good guys, bad women and broad but sometimes transparent suspense and melodrama. Clete Frade is a Marine Corps aviator, a hero of Guadalcanal. Wealthy and well connected, he is also a spook for the OSS and perfect for an undercover job in Buenos Aires because he’s an Argentine citizen. Assisted by two useless Army buddies, a navy chief who considers himself a gaucho and a loyal Argentine bodyguard, Frade is sent south to sniff out both a suspected plot to overthrow the Argentine government and a report of a Nazi ship using Argentine waters to resupply German submarines. He stumbles into much more, however, with the assassination of his Argentine father, who is the leader of the coup plot, and with his discovery of a Nazi scheme to ransom Jews out of Dachau and to use the money to finance a sanctuary for fugitive Nazis should Germany lose the war. Frade spars with diplomats, spies, his OSS boss, the FBI, the Argentine military and an SS colonel, all the while trying to aid one conspiracy and destroy the others.